Even if you're not an athlete, you've definitely heard of creatine - it's been called the ultimate supplement

Are you worried about the side effects of creatine? Will you be lighter when you stop supplementing with creatine? Or will creatine damage the kidneys? I'm sure you've heard this before. And below we’ll let you know the myths and truths about creatine you should know.

1. What is creatine?

Creatine is a combination of amino acids produced by the liver, kidneys and pancreas. It is found naturally in muscle tissue, red meat, and fish, although in much lower amounts than commercially available creatine powders.

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2. So how does creatine work?

Creatine reduces fatigue by delivering extra energy into cells.

When a muscle contracts, it breaks the phosphorus atoms in the ATP structure, thus converting ATP into ADP (adenosine diphosphate).

When your body cannot use ADP as fuel, the amount of ATP in your body is limited in a short period of time. To make up for the lost ATP, ADP begins to obtain the phosphorus atoms it needs from the body's stored creatine phosphate to form more ATP.

When you start supplementing with creatine, you will have more creatine phosphate available and you will be able to extend your training sessions and increase intensity. Over the weeks and months, the increased training volume will make you bigger, stronger and stronger than ever before.

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