For people who regularly train, they should not focus all their attention on training. It is very important to perform SMR (myofascial relaxation) on their muscles in a timely manner

Muscle fatigue and adhesions during exercise can easily lead to a decrease in muscle performance (extensibility, elasticity), causing muscle tightness and stiffness, thus affecting sports performance!

SMR can effectively help us stretch and lengthen tight or overused muscles, relax tight fascia, and reduce the possibility of muscle adhesion and scar tissue. It can also help you increase flexibility, Improve joint mobility, reduce fatigue and speed recovery.

Back thigh massage and relaxation!

The hamstrings and gluteal muscles and quadriceps constitute the strongest engine of our body (the hamstrings). Due to poor lifestyle and training methods, most people’s hamstrings are in a state of tension, shortening, and stiffness. Tight hamstrings will limit the range of motion of the hip joint and affect sports performance. Today I will introduce to you how to perform SMR on the hamstrings in the gym

1. Foam roller

The foam roller is the most common tool. It usually uses the following movements: lie on your back with your legs and roll with your hands to support it. However, because the center of the body is too far back, this posture does not bring enough pressure to the muscles!

Here we recommend that you use the following postures to massage!

a. Straighten one foot and place the roller on the back of your thigh! , bend the other foot to the back of the body!

b. Hold both ends of the foam roller with both hands, and then roll the foam roller up and down to press!

c. Scroll up to the top of your thighs and down to just above your knees! Last for 20 to 30 seconds.

Variation: For people with poor hip joint mobility, this action will be very difficult. It is recommended that you put the foam roller on the training bench, and then press the foam roller in a single-leg stepping position to operate!

2. Barbell

The barbell is not just for lifting weights, in fact it is also a hidden massage tool!

As shown in the picture, support one foot, step with one leg, put the thigh on the barbell, and then lower the center, concentrate the pressure on the back of the leg, find the special sore point, and then perform back and forth flexion and extension movements of the knee joint to give Moderate compression of soft tissues

Lasts for 20 to 30 seconds

3. Fascial ball

Using tennis balls or peanut balls to massage the back of the legs is also a good choice. It is characterized by low pressure and more concentration in a small area

Action demonstration: Place the fascia ball on the training bench, then press the fascia ball up and down while stepping with one leg, or perform knee joint flexion and extension movements!

Final tip: Tightness and stiffness are not caused in one or two days. For people who want to improve the function of the back of the legs, a single exercise will not solve your problem all at once. You need to invest some time and Time to improve! It’s best to practice every day or every other day!