Among the training equipment, there are some common equipment, such as medicine balls, dumbbells, etc. At the same time, the training effect of these equipment is very good, and many training movements require these equipment. How many kilograms of medicine balls should I choose? Okay, I believe someone still understands. So, how many kilograms of medicine balls does an average person choose? Let’s take a look below.

Medicine ball

How many kilograms of medicine balls should an average person choose

As for the weight of the medicine ball, you should choose a weight. The ideal weight of the medicine ball will make you feel the resistance effect but will not make you feel forced to change your movement method and speed, so when you feel it is too light or when you Whenever you feel that the speed of your exercise is unloading, you should stop and change the weight of the medicine ball you are using. The weight of medicine balls generally recommended for boys is about 4-5 kg, and for girls, it is about 2-4 kg. This will provide enough resistance to perform a variety of exercises in general.

The best ball for you depends on what you want to achieve with your medicine ball. If you plan to just do some ab work, throws back and forth, or more stationary movements like squats and presses, any material will do; if you want to throw on the ground or a wall, choose something that will last longer Materials: Avoid rubber-based medicine balls. Rubber materials are prone to breakage or deformation due to use with high impact, which will also affect the ability to rebound and eventually lead to air leakage.

Basic medicine ball training movements

1. Throwing

Throw the ball against the wall with your feet shoulder-width apart or in a batter's stance. You can use one hand or both hands at the same time. You can also throw from your knees, back, or from a jump.

2. Catching the ball

Throw the ball against the wall and catch it as it bounces, or if you have a partner, throw it back and forth to each other.

3. Lift the ball

Don’t have any dumbbells handy? You can even use a lightweight medicine ball and pair it with squats, overhead raises, lunges, rows, side twists, or woodcutter poses. You can also try using a medicine ball. Hold the medicine ball at your side, or hold it with your palms to perform a Turkish get-up, in the same manner as the kettlebell Turkish get-up; or simply hold the medicine ball with your arms for a short distance or hold. For girls who want to sculpt their inner thighs, they can sandwich the medicine ball between the knees of both legs when doing many lower body exercises to ensure that the leg muscles have a continuous effect.

4. Balance

You can use medicine balls as an aid. Challenge your stability by placing one or both hands on a medicine ball and performing push-ups. Place your feet on top of a medicine ball and lift your hips off the floor into a bridge pose to engage your hip joints. Sometimes you don't even have to touch the ball, just treat it as an obstacle and jump over it.

5. Rolling Ball

Foam Rollers are not the only tools that can be used to warm up and increase exercise capacity. Place your muscles on the ball. Even softer medicine balls can provide enough strength to help release tight muscles.