MuscleNet Tip: This nutrition plan should also be combined with scientific equipment exercise. More: Fitness Plan
To gain as much muscle as possible in the shortest time. I recommend the following strategies to you:
1. Use acetate-carnitine (ALC) supplements.
2. Intake branched-chain amino acids during training. 3. Use an appropriate post-training drink.
3. Train twice a day.
The reasons are as follows:
1. Use carnitine acetate supplements
Carnitine acetate was made by Italians in 1986 and was used to treat diseases. Like branched-chain amino acids, ALC can prevent the decrease in plasma testosterone levels associated with heavy training loads and have a positive impact on testosterone levels in the body.
2. Intake of branched-chain amino acids during training
Branched-chain amino acids include leucine, isoleucine and valine.
1. Leucine can regulate protein synthesis and help reduce muscle damage. As an energy source, leucine is also very effective at conserving glucose so that your muscle glycogen stores remain sufficient after training, helping to reduce training recovery time.
2. Branched-chain amino acids can promote protein synthesis and help increase muscle mass.
3. Intake of branched-chain amino acids during training can simultaneously increase growth hormone andInsulin levels create a synthetic and anti-catabolic environment that helps build muscle mass.
4. Unlike other amino acids, branched-chain amino acids can be used as energy by muscle cells.
5. Research shows that consuming branched-chain amino acids before training not only helps prevent the decline in testosterone levels after training, but also increases post-training testosterone levels.
6. Using branched-chain amino acids during training can significantly reduce muscle pain after training.
It is recommended to consume 0.44 grams of branched-chain amino acids per kilogram of body weight per day. For example, a person weighing 90 kilograms should consume 40 grams of branched-chain amino acids every day. If conditions do not allow, at least 20 grams should be consumed.
3. Use appropriate post-training drinks
Since 1982 I have been recommending post-workout beverages for nutritional replenishment with great success. I have refined this approach in recent years. Here are my latest suggestions.
1. Protein: Research shows that consuming protein after training can double protein synthesis and muscle growth. It is recommended that you choose whey protein supplements because it has the highest biological value compared to other proteins, almost twice that of eggs, and it is quickly absorbed by the body. The protein dose is 0.6 grams per kilogram of lean body mass. For example, a 90 kg athlete with 10% body fat should have 50 grams of protein in their post-training diet.
2. Carbohydrates: Years ago, I recommended 2 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day. Over the years, as I have gained more scientific research and practical experience, I have discovered that post-training carbohydrate intake should depend on the volume of training. In other words, the greater the amount of training, the greater the carbohydrate intake should be. For example, a squat or deadlift uses more energy than a curl. Therefore, compound exercises that use more muscle groups require more carbohydrates than isolation exercises.
Practice has shown that taking higher doses of ALC before training can also significantly improve strength levels. It is recommended to consume 3 grams of ALC every morning on an empty stomach before breakfast.