Fitness: Which is the better choice, white rice VS brown rice?

Rice is one of the classic bodybuilding foods, and white rice and brown rice each have different benefits.

Both are good sources of carbohydrates and are the most essential foods in our fitness diet!

1. But white rice has a more obvious effect on increasing insulin because it contains less dietary fiber and fat. It is digested and absorbed quickly, blood sugar rises quickly and is unstable, and it easily promotes rapid secretion of insulin.

2.Eating brown rice will also increase insulin secretion, but the dietary fiber and fat factors will reduce the rate of insulin secretion.

Eating brown rice has a more stable and slower rise in blood sugar, which can avoid rapid secretion of insulin and reduce the chance of fat accumulation. Brown rice is generally digested more slowly than white rice and can keep you full longer. Helps maintain blood sugar stability! Continuously provide energy!

Therefore,during non-training times, eating brown rice can reduce the possibility of fat accumulation more than eating white rice.

Brown rice is a better choice for daily diet most of the time because the carbohydrates it contains are less likely to be converted into fat than white rice.

If you prefer white rice, taking some dietary fiber supplements before meals will suppress the spike in insulin and prolong digestion time. Helps you reduce body fat.

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