The nutritional aspect of the clear results program supports all the intense lifting you’re doing in the gym through a combination of a wholesome, protein-rich diet and premium-quality MuscleTech supplements. All the muscle tissue you’ll break down in your training will be regenerated and built back bigger and stronger with the following sports nutrition regimen. There are two sample meal plans: One you’ll follow on training days, and the other you’ll adhere to on rest days.

This program was written with a muscular, 200-pound male in mind, but it can be adjusted to work for anyone. To tailor the program to suit your individual size, simply divide your body weight by 200, then multiply that number by the listed macros to get the proper numbers for you.

For example, let’s say you weigh 150 pounds: 150 divided by 200 equals 0.75, so you’ll multiply 0.75 by the daily totals listed for protein, carbohydrates, fat, and calories to find your correct macronutrient numbers.

Training Day

Meal 1

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
1 scoop Platinum 100% Whey 130 24 4 1.5
3 organic free-range eggs 194 18 0 14
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil (to coat pan) 126 0 0 14
1 cup quinoa, cooked 222 8 40 4
Meal Total 672 50 44 33.5

Meal 2

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz turkey or chicken 342 66 0 7
1 cup spinach (or any green veggie) 41 1 7 0.5
8 oz baked red potatoes 202 7 40 0
Meal Total 585 74 47 7.5

Meal 3

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz lean red meat 421 67 0 14
Salad with 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 252 1 2 28
Meal Total 673 68 2 42

Meal 4/Pre-Workout

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
1 scoop Platinum 100% Whey 130 24 4 1.5
2 tbsp peanut butter 208 10 6 16
2 capsules Clear Muscle*
Meal Total 338 34 10 17.5

Intra-Workout Shake

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
50g fast-absorbing carbs (sucrose/ dextrose) 200 0 50 0
Meal Total 200 0 50 0

Meal 5/Post-Workout

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
1 scoop Platinum 100% Whey 130 24 4 1.5
8 oz turkey or chicken 342 66 0 7
2 cups white rice, cooked 328 8 74 0
1 tbsp raw honey 68 0 17 0
Meal Total 868 98 95 8.5

Meal 6

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
2 scoops Platinum 100% Casein 220 48 4 2
2 tbsp peanut butter 208 10 6 16
Meal Total 428 58 10 18
  Calories Protein Carbs Fat Daily Totals
3764 382 258 127

*Take two capsules of Clear muscle three times a day; on training days, take one of your two-capsule servings pre-workout.

Off Day

Meal 1

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
1 scoop Platinum 100% Whey 130 24 4 1.5
6 organic free-range eggs 387 36 0 27
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil (to coat pan) 126 0 0 14
1 cup spinach (or any green veggie) 41 1 7 0.5
1⁄2 cup oats (dry measure) 155 5 27 3
1 cup strawberries (or other berries) 46 1 0 0
Meal Total 885 67 38 46

Meal 2

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
2 scoops Platinum 100% Whey 260 48 8 3
2 tbsp peanut butter 208 10 6 16
Meal Total 468 58 14 19

Meal 3

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz lean red meat 421 67 0 14
1 cup spinach (or any green veggie) 41 1 7 0.5
1 cup black beans 233 14 42 1
Meal Total 695 82 49 15.5

Meal 4

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
2 scoops Platinum 100% Whey 260 48 8 3
2 tbsp peanut butter 208 10 6 16
Meal Total 468 58 14 19

Meal 5

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz turkey or chicken 342 66 0 7
1 cup white rice, cooked 164 4 37 0
Salad with 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 252 1 2 28
Meal Total 758 71 39 35

Meal 6

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
2 scoops Platinum 100% Casein 220 48 4 2
Meal Total 220 48 4 2
  Calories Protein Carbs Fat Daily Totals
3,494 384 158 136.5

NEXT: Get the Phase III Meal Plan >>

The nutrition and supplement portion of phase 3 is designed to allow the body to completely recover from the previous overreaching phase, which pushed you to the limit in the gym. your meal plan is tailored toward max recovery. The macronutrient ratios have been shifted to increase
carbs and decrease fats, to restock muscle glycogen and maintain a lean physique.
This nutrition plan was designed for a 200-pound male. To tailor it to your individual size, simply divide your body weight by 200, then multiply that number against the listed macros to obtain the proper numbers for you.

Training Day

Meal 1

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
1 scoop Platinum 100% Whey 130 24 4 1.5
1 organic free-range egg 70 6 0 5
1 cup egg whites 118 26.5 2 0
1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil (to coat pan) 126 0 0 14
1 cup quick oats 309 11 55 5
Meal Total 753 67.5 61 25.5

Supplements w/Meal 1: Clear Muscle (2 capsules), Platinum Pure Phosphatidylserine (1 capsule), Platinum Pure CLA (1 capsule).

Meal 2

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz turkey or chicken 342 66 0 7
8 oz cooked quinoa 272 10 48 5
1 cup spinach (or any green veggie) 41 1 7 .5
Meal Total 655 77 55 12.5

Meal 3

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz lean red meat 421 67 0 14
8 oz baked red potatoes 262 7 40 0
1 small spinach salad 20 2 3 0
1 oz raw almonds 164 6 6 14
Meal Total 867 82 49 28

Supplements w/Meal 3: Platinum Pure Phosphatidylserine (1 capsule), Platinum Pure CLA (1 capsule).

Meal 4 – Shake (immediately post-workout)

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
1.5 scoops Platinum 100% Whey 195 36 6 2
50 g fast-absorbing carb (sucrose/dextrose)  200 0 50 0
Meal Total 395 36 56 2

Meal 5

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz turkey or chicken 342 66 0 7
2 cups cooked white rice  328 8 74 0
Meal Total 670 74 74 7

Supplements w/Meal 5: Clear Muscle (2 capsules), Platinum Pure Phosphatidylserine (2 capsules), Platinum Pure CLA (1 capsule).

Meal 6

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
2 scoops Platinum 100% Casein  220 48 4 2
2 tbsp natural peanut butter  208 10 6 16
3 slices Ezekiel toast  240 12 45 1.5
Meal Total 668 70 55 19.5
Daily TotalsApproximate Macro Breakdown
4008 406.5 350 94.5
48% 41% 11%

Off Day

Meal 1

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
1 scoop Platinum 100% Whey 130 24 4 1.5
1 organic free-range egg 70 6 0 5
1 cup egg whites 118 26.5 2 0
1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil (to coat pan) 126 0 0 14
1 cup quick oats 309 11 55 5
Meal Total 753 67.5 61 25.5

Supplements w/Meal 1: Clear Muscle (2 capsules), Platinum Pure Phosphatidylserine (1 capsule), Platinum Pure CLA (1 capsule).

Meal 2

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz turkey or chicken 342 66 0 7
8 oz cooked quinoa 272 10 48 5
1 cup spinach (or any green veggie) 41 1 7 .5
Meal Total 655 77 55 12.5

Meal 3

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz lean red meat 421 67 0 14
8 oz baked red potatoes 262 7 40 0
1 oz raw almonds 164 6 6 14
Meal Total 787 80 46 28

Supplements w/Meal 3: Clear Muscle (2 capsules), Platinum Pure Phosphatidylserine (1 capsule), Platinum Pure CLA (1 capsule).

Meal 4

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
8 oz turkey or chicken 342 66 0 7
8 oz cooked quinoa 272 10 48 5
1 small spinach salad 41 1 7 .5
1 tbsp macadamia or olive oil 130 0 0 14
Meal Total 764 78 51 26

Supplements w/Meal 4: Clear Muscle (2 capsules), Platinum Pure Phosphatidylserine (2 capsule), Platinum Pure CLA (1 capsule).

Meal 5

Meal Calories Protein Carbs Fat
2 scoops Platinum 100% Casein  220 48 4 2
2 tbsp natural peanut butter  208 10 6 16
Meal Total 428 58 10 18
Daily Totals Approximate Macro Breakdown
3,387 358.5 223 110
51% 33% 16%

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