Professional bodybuilding and nutrition recipes

Muscle Net Tips: This is a bodybuilding nutrition recipe for professional athletes, for reference and study by bodybuilding enthusiasts.

8:00 Get up: two cups of vitargo + 50g of whey protein isolate + 5g of bcaa

8:45 nitrix 3 capsules

9:15 Breakfast: whole wheat flakes (including fruit) + low-fat milk (about 300 grams of carbohydrates in total), six egg whites + four Egg yolk, two large bananas. Supplements: 2 capsules of glucosamine, 2 capsules of calcium, 1 capsule of daily multi, 1000mg of vc, 400 units of ve, 1 capsule of flaxseed oil softgels, 1 capsule of caffeine. 400ml of water.

10:30 (Before training): Whey protein + Jiade Le+creatine+glutamic acid+bcaa,

(Training) 600ml water + 20g whey + electrolytes (can be replaced with Gatorade),< /font>

(After training)crea vitargo+whey protein powder+creatine+grain Amino acid+bcaa+vc.

12:30 Lunch: 200 grams of chicken breast + broccoli + multigrain rice + a glass of water.

3:00 nitrix 3 capsules

3:30 Repeat the contents of lunch (removing multi-grain rice).

5:00 Start repeating the diet before, during and after the morning training.

7:00 Repeat lunch content.

9:30 Repeat the contents of lunch (removing multi-grain rice).

11:00 nitrix 3 capsules + zma 3 capsules.

12:00 One cup of sustained-release casein + bcaa + glutamic acid (prepare two copies),

Wake up in the middle of the night Drink another cup when you go to the toilet (keep it in the refrigerator).